everything the admins/mods say in response to this many posted prob is true.

first thing i did to allow me to autoget a file was to tell DCC>folders to Ignore all except and then i added the file extensions i want - . *.rar *.tar *.mpg *.mpeg and so on.

I also checked the server window to see if it had my actual ip address - it didnt, it was seeing my internal ip, and im on dsl behind a firewall. So i went to mirc's options and hit Connect>Local Info and made sure that my ip addy was right. You can change the On connect and Look Up options.

Also, when that damm popup box shows up, the one that is a File Warning ? it DOES have a field in the lower left to uncheck, so i unchecked it, and now it won't show up.

I then asked for a file that had timed out on me before, even tho i had clicked on that File Warning popup's OK tab to get rid of the box.

This time i got the file, auto-lly... lol.

I have no idea that what i did made the autoget work. Btw, i do have autoget turned on, and set to overwrite the file if it exists.

But make sure you try a different bot and a small file to test this. Ive been working on this off and on for over a week. On my firewalled/routered cable pc, i can get sum and sum i cant get.

And make damm sure the server is seeing your external IP address. Use winipcfg in Start>Run if you don't know it.

or get IPfind, do a google.

and I didnt mess with Mirc's port number settings nor did i mess with my firewall, .... [ok, i did, but i didnt change anything !]

gud LuK smile
ps. your experience is bound to differ ,,, hopefully change.
no guarantee that this will work for me again, but im gonna fix it if it needs fixin!