one more thing..
i quickly made this dialog 2 test something:
  dialog listbox {
  title "listbox"
  size -1 -1 251 91
  option dbu
  list 1, 36 23 50 50, sort size vsbar
  button "add", 2, 89 21 37 12
  button "remove", 3, 90 43 37 12
  button "ok", 4, 164 70 37 12, ok cancel
  edit "", 5, 36 9 50 10

and then
on *:dialog:listbox:sclick:2: did -a $dname 1 $did(5)

i was wondering what the command is to remove the selected text in the listbox.
i dont wanna remove all the text from the list...only the selected line.