Well some of you may know about the fizzer bots roaming some IRC networks some may not, in any case, most of those nets security services gets rid of most of the bots however some of the bots are broken and can't be cleaned out so i made a lil thing to help clear a net of those bots a short remote that activates when you do a /who * on the network (of course this thing is only of interest to IRCoperators)

raw 352:*:{
if (($left(~ $+ $10 $+ $9,10) == $3) && ($10 != $null)) kill $6 <kill msg>

note: this thing compares the real name to the username and if the first 9 chars of the realname when beginning with the surname is identical to the username it kills them off, furthermore the ~ prefix is required, but that shouldn't be a problem since none of them replies to identd requests