Yes, I know how the server list is supposed to work.
I typically debug the bug I report so that it can be fixed immediately without you figuring it out but sometimes I don't because I don't have the time.
I didn't have the time yesterday, but today, after your answer, I wanted to reproduce again, but couldn't, so I decided to debug it after all, well, I wanted to reproduce it at least once again for my own sanity

I found the bug and why it was intermittent, the bug lies in the opening of the mIRC option dialog, well, in the non opening of it.

1) empty folder + empty mirc.ini
2) run mIRC
3) the option dialog opens up on the connect tab, enter a main nickname (A) and click ok
4) execute /server -m in the status window
5) step 4) will now make swiftirc available in the server list

5.1) the server list dropdown combo shows "Swiftirc" when it should show Swiftirc, I think this is an unrelated bug/discrepancy that is not affecting this report, mIRC will typically fix this by itself afterward, somehow.

6) edit that entry, I typically enter a password and a login method here but entering a password and a login method is most likely not required
7) go to the nickname tab, check the box 'use nickname' and enter a different nickname than A (B)
8) so far so good. In the above steps, I am not unchecking the box 'show connect on startup' in Connect option
9) execute /exit -nr

mIRC reopens and because of step 8), mIRC opens the option dialog on the Connect tab, this prevent the issue from happening, mIRC will set the status window's nickname as B correctly for swiftirc.
But if around step 6) you uncheck the box 'show connect on startup', when mIRC reopens after step 9), mIRC will set the status window's nickname as A, incorrectly and will then connect using that nickname if you connect.

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