7.78.6786 is slower at connecting/joining channels.

Altered settings: Disabled all logging and [uncheck] "Show connect on startup".

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7es3...5ojsxuxkdzderh7&st=sydmoobu&dl=0

I'm using plain text connections.

Batch file for starting them at the same time:
start C:\speed\release\mirc-7.78.exe
start C:\speed\beta\mirc-7.78.6786.exe

raw 376:*:{
  var %x 5
  while (%x) {
    join -n $chr(35) $+ $rand(10000,99999)
    dec %x
on *:start:{
  window -iez @test
  set %time $ctime

  ; Don't spam screen on disconnect.
  tips off

  ; I don't use this.
  switchbar off

  ; Known slowdown, just disable anyway.
  ; 7.78  = adds about 5 seconds if on.
  ; 7.78.6786 = adds about 10 seconds if on.
  treebar off

  var %server_address
  server %server_address  -i KindOne $+ $beta
  var %x 20 | while (%x) { server -m %server_address -i KindOne $+ %x $+ $beta | dec %x }

on *:join:#:{
  if ($nick == $me) { echo @test $calc($ctime - %time) seconds to join }

; Test how long it takes to disconnect from everything at once.
; //var %x $ctime | scon -a disconnect | echo -ag $calc($ctime - %x) seconds

; 7.78 = 6 seconds.
; 7.78.6786 = 22 seconds.