on *:text:*hi*:#poseidon:{
if (!$window(@words)) window -enk1z @words
aline -hp @words $nick say $+( $1-, )

on *:text:*high 5*:#poseidon:{
if (!$window(@words)) window -enk1z @words
aline -hp @words $nick say: $+( $1-, )

This one I found works well, it tracks the words I need to check in the channel. But how can I exclude some sentences and some nicks of my choice, from this tracking? it's driving me crazy

For example, if I track the word "hi", and all the sentences that contain "hi", how can I exclude (by exclude I mean that it is not shown in the appropriate @words window) a sentence of my choice that contains that word? for example the sentence "hey, hi Mairel!" ?

Or exclude some nicks, so that if those nicks say anything with "hi" it doesn't show up in the @words window?

I'm lost and useless for codes, I would like to know if someone would be able to do it