
If there's an issue, using /saveini over /save isn't guaranteeing anything.

From your description of things, there could be an issue with the on exit event in mIRC, possibly related to memory management or com object stuff..
But without a list of steps to reproduce, it can be difficult to track down

There's something that might help figuring this out, it's your file output:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=u
I would imagine that /save -rv is emptying the file before writing an hardcoded "[variables]\r\n" string to it, and then using a loop, writes the "nX=<data>" part, which means after [variables], the next lines can only be starting with 'n', which is not the case in your output, which makes me thinks it's not mIRC but a custom script writing to the file.

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