Okay, if you find a way of reproducing the issue, please let us know.

Note that you would need to provide a short, simple script, of a few lines, that we can use to reproduce the issue you are reporting. For example, here are the steps I would follow before posting a bug report:

1) Install a clean copy of mIRC, using the portable option in the installer, into a new empty folder.
2) Run this new copy of mIRC with no other scripts or addons.
3) In the scripts editor, add the following alias:

; This script creates a list of variables and then uses /unset with wildcards
test {
  var %x 0
  while (%x < 100) {
    set -s % [ $+ [ $+(%x,test,%x) ] ] %x
    inc %x
  unset -s %*2test2*
  unset -s %*3test4*
  unset -s %*4test3*

4) Test the script to make sure it reproduces the issue.
5) Post the bug report on the forums with the working script that anyone can type into mIRC to reproduce the same issue.