greetingz , im strugling to find each nick in $1- and see if they are all actually in channel before proceeding adding them to be voiced with $modespl
here is what i work with so far (got it from here from a post and edited it somewhat)


kjjsdklsddk {
  var %chan = #  , %a = 1,  %nicks = $1-,%b = $numtok(%nicks,32) 
  while (%a = %b) {
    if ($gettok(%nicks,%a,32) ison %chan) { set %nicks $addtok(%nicks,$gettok(%nicks,%a,32),32) }
    if $numtok(%nicks,32) == $modespl {
      .mode %chan + $+ $str(v,$numtok(%nicks,32)) %nicks
      unset %mode.nicks
    inc %a
  if %nicks {
    .mode %chan + $+ $str(v,$numtok(%nicks,32)) %nicks
    unset %nicks

thanks in advance.