Ok. Try testing this code:
on *:TEXT:*:#channel:{
  if ($nick == ServicesBot && $1 == !ON) || ($nick == PLUTO) { return }
  if (!$hget(pluto,work)) { .hadd -m pluto work true }
  if ($hget(pluto,work) == true) { pluto_stop $chan }
  if ($hget(pluto,work) == false) { .timerPLUTOSTART 1 1200 pluto_start $chan }
alias -l pluto_start { .hadd -m pluto work true | bs say $1 !ON }
alias -l pluto_stop { .hadd -m pluto work false | bs say $1 !OFF }


  • Change the nick "ServicesBot" in the code to the nick of your service bot, which is present on the channel and will write commands "!ON" and "!OFF".
  • You can change the 1200 secs = (20 mins) specified for the timer named "PLUTOSTART" to any other time in seconds.

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