i came up with this only it doesnt seem to do the mass voices in alphabetical order it starts from z to a instead of other way around:


Alias vall {
  var %chan = $iif(($1),#$1,$active)
  if ($nick( %chan ,$me,!@%&~)  || o isin $usermode) {
    var %timer 1
    var %x = $nick( %chan ,0,r) , %lines = 0 | while (%x) {
      if ($nick( %chan ,%x,r) != $me && !$nick( %chan ,$v1,!~&@%)) {  var %r = %r $nick( %chan ,%x,r) }
      if ($numtok(%r,32) = $modespl) { 
        .timer -md 1 $calc(%lines * 5000) .mode %chan  + $+ $str(v,$modespl) %r
        unset %r 
        inc %lines
      dec %x 
    if (%r) { .timer -md 1 $calc(%lines * 5000) .mode %chan + $+ $str(v,$numtok(%r,32)) %r }

Last edited by Simo; 21/02/24 04:01 PM.