greetings folks,

anyway we can have this small alias add invite list in the form of :

+IIIIII *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@*
+IIIIII *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@*
+IIIIII *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@*
+IIIIII *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@*

with a delay of lets say 10 seconds to prevent disconnection

i have an invite list with all the invited hosts stacked on top of eachother in a text file if thats the best way to do this

this is what i have so far :


invitelist {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(invite-list-Gforce.txt)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    mode $1 +I  $gettok($read(invite-list-Gforce.txt, %a),1-,32) 
    inc %a