This is less of a bug than it is a capability that may have been turned off by an earlier bug fix. This may have been reported already. This deals with version 6.03.

According to 6.03's Help file on dialogs, "If you want to modify several controls at the same time, you can specify multiple id numbers separated by commas, eg. /did -b name 2,12,14,16 etc.:"

/did -b 2, 12, 14, 16 will not work as explained in the file. It will only work for the first specified id. In other words, the "modify several controls" capability simply does not exist.

I will use mIRC's dialog example to demonstrate what I am talking about:

dialog test {
title "mIRC"
size -1 -1 110 100
option dbu

tab "m", 1, 5 5 100 90
tab "I", 2
tab "R", 3
tab "C", 4

button "m is for ... wink", 11, 30 50 50 24, ok tab 1
button "I is for Internet", 12, 30 50 50 24, tab 2

button "R is for Relay", 13, 30 50 50 24, tab 3
button "C is for Chat", 14, 30 50 50 24, tab 4

Open this dialog, via /dialog -m test test, and then type in /did -b 11, 12, 13, 14. According to the help file, the buttons corresponding to 11, 12, 13, 14 should all be deactivated. Instead, only the first one is deactivated.

A solution for those who use dialogs is to simply type out the did commands on separate lines of remote, or to use while loops (which is what I'm doing). This is not much of a problem, but is still worth reporting IMHO.