I want to use a timer to write this to a text file. When I run this, I get the same dates, times and user counts each time. I've been kicking my own butt for a while now.

This echos perfectly:

//echo -s $eval($date) $+ ,  $+ $eval($time) $+  , $+ $eval($nick(#mychan,0),1)

It gives me: 11/02/2023,15:37:04,140

//timerUserCount 0 3600 //write -N1 usercounts.csv $eval($date) $+ , $+ $eval($time) $+ , $+ $eval($nick(#mychan,0))

I've tried using $!time, etc, and I get the literal "$!time" written to the text file.

This sure looks like a "this should be really simple, but" question.

Thanks in advance!