You can use this command to both create or change the position and size of a window at the same time:

    "/window @name horizontal vertical width height"

/window @test 300 400 700 500

    "@test" - window name (this can also be "#test").
    "300" - is the horizontal position in pixels on screen.
    "400" - is the vertical position in pixels on screen.
    "700" - is the width of the window in pixels.
    "500" - is the height of the window in pixels.

Note: This will only work when the mIRC window is open separate desktop window mode "/window -d @test".

Also you should not give such names to custom windows as: "@mirc", "@mdi", "@desktop" - these names are reserved by mIRC for identifying other windows.

More information on this command can and MUST need to be read here:

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