I haven't used this code in a while, but I don't seem to get notices when a streamer raids another channel. I used to be able to auto join the channel we were raiding. Did twitch quit sending out notices, or am I forgetting to request something. Thanks for the input!
on *:CONNECT: {

CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership twitch.tv/tags twitch.tv/commands

;Opens u/raw debug window

debug -p u/Raw


;follow raid

on *:NOTICE:*hosting*:*: {

; echo # joined $chr(35) $+ $left($gettok($lower($3),1,32), -1)

join $chr(35) $+ $left($gettok($lower($3),1,32), -1)


I also tried doing it with ,

on <level>:PARSELINE:<in|out|*>:matchtext:<commands>

but i am still not seeing the hosting notice in the raw message either. Any ideas would be great. Thanks again!