Ah nice catch, this is due to mIRC adjusting window sizes to make them fit in the MDI area when a window is created. To get around this, you need to use /window twice....


alias test {
  window -hpf @Test -1 -1 32 32
  echo -s * Debug: first window call- DW: $window(@Test).dw DH: $window(@Test).dh
  window -hpf @Test -1 -1 32 32
  echo -s * Debug: second window call- DW: $window(@Test).dw DH: $window(@Test).dh
  drawpic -g0 @Test 0 0 $qt($mircexe)
  drawsave @Test tmp.png
  close -@ @Test
  bread tmp.png 0 $file(tmp.png).size &bimgfile
  .remove tmp.png
  noop $encode(&bimgfile,bm)
  clipboard data:image/png;base64, $+ $bvar(&bimgfile,1-).text
  echo -s Data URL copied to clipboard!

* Debug: first window call- DW: 120 DH: 32
* Debug: second window call- DW: 32 DH: 32
Data URL copied to clipboard!

You should be able to paste your clipboard into your browsers url bar, hit enter, and now see the icon as 32x32

Last edited by Khaled; 13/11/22 08:26 PM.