hello i have this script, it works great for bad nick which join or change new nick in room.
could someone help me, when i enter in the room, do a who and kick/ban the bad nick from the user list of that room. thanks.
I'm sorry for my english but i'm spanish and i don't speak english very well. i hope you can understand what i need.
on 1:join:#: {

On *:nick:{
var %a 1 | while ($comchan($newnick, %a)) { $BaneaUsuarios($newnick,$v1) | inc %a }

alias BaneaUsuarios {
var %cuentaNicks = 1
while (%cuentaNicks <= $lines(patrones.txt)) {
if ($read(patrones.txt,%cuentaNicks) isin $1) || ($read(patrones.txt,%cuentaNicks) iswm $1) {
var %cuentaExcepciones = 1
while (%cuentaExcepciones <= $lines(patrones-exceptuados.txt)) {
if ($read(patrones-exceptuados.txt,%cuentaExcepciones) isin $1) || ($read(patrones-exceptuados.txt,%cuentaExcepciones) iswm $1) {
inc %cuentaExcepciones
ban $2 $1 $+ !*@* | kick $2 $1 1Su nick no es el mas adecuado para la tematica del canal 4 $chan 1Por Favor, cambielo. 4Gracias.
inc %cuentaNicks