When using /echo without a switch or anything before $version it prints everything after in orange. It is printing in orange because "7" is the first digit in 7.57 and "CTRL+K 7" is orange.

//echo $version $beta

6.35 prints: 6.35
7.57.2183 prints: 7.57 2183
7.57.2269 prints: 2269 (in orange text)

; This test works in 7.57.2183 and older. Newer versions give this issue:
alias test1 {
  ; * /echo: insufficient parameters (line 4, remote.ini)
  echo $version
alias test2 {
  ; "..." printed in orange
  echo $version ...
alias test3 {
  ; a 7.58
  echo a $version

alias test4 {
  echo 4. this prints black 
  echo 4.8 this prints red in 7.57.2269 and newer
  echo 4.8. this prints black


Beta v7.57.2269 changes:
1.Item 36, https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/266054
2.Item 37, https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/266138
3.Item 38, added.
4.Item 39, fixed.
5.Item 40, https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/264540
This change affects $comchan(), if isop/isvoice/ishelp/isowner, and
the channel Command Editbox handling of modes.
36.Fixed /window -r not restoring a hidden non-min/max window.
37.Changed $ctime() to return $null for invalid input and to handle
commas as separators.
38.Added support for IRCv3 message-tags token and msgid feature.
39.Fixed $N parameter bug that caused inconsistent handling of text
appended to the $N parameter, such as text that contained numbers
or dashes.
40.Fixed handling of channel nickname mode 'q' in some contexts.