I'm testing SASL EXTERNAL certificates again, and I can't find any message in status window confirming that the SASL EXTERNAL handshake happened, or even that it was successful. All I see is a /notice from nickserv as if I messaged my password to it, which I hadn't.

I'm using a override-global certificate for libera.chat only, and I stop being logged in when I delete the certificate from the serverlist entry, so I know i'm being identified by nickserv due to the certificate and not because some script
is secretly sending my text password to nickserv behind my back, and because the @debug window doesn't showing me sending the password to nickserv.

When the SASL EXTERNAL handshake succeeds, in the @debug window I'm seeing a /notice from nickserv:

<- :NickServ!NickServ@services.libera.chat NOTICE maroon :You are now identified for maroon.

However, what I'm not seeing is any message in the status window confirming to me that the SASL EXTERNAL handshake actually happened and was successful. I'm pretty sure I should be seeing something like:

<- :silver.libera.chat 900 maroon maroon!user@user/maroon maroon :You are now logged in as maroon
<- :silver.libera.chat 903 maroon :SASL authentication successful