Originally Posted by ChatSmurf
But which piece... describes that the person who used !tel also get a countdown-dm?

The alias "tel_msg" receives 2 parameters through the string with the command "tel_msg $nick $2".

    "tel_msg $nick $2" - the first parameter passed to the alias is the nickname of the user who typed the command "!tel nick".
    "tel_msg $nick $2" - the second parameter passed to the alias is the nickname that was specified in the command "!tel nick".

Thus, inside the alias "tel_msg" we have 2 parameters under identifiers: "$nick$1" and "$2$2".

    ".msg $1" - this line is responsible for the message to the user who typed the command "!tel nick".
    ".msg $2" - this line is responsible for the message to the user whose nickname was specified in the command "!tel nick".

I also slightly corrected the code and removed unnecessary conditions from it:
on *:TEXT:!tel*:#radio-toppertje: if (!$timer(TELMSG) && $2) { tel_set | tel_msg $nick $2 }
alias -l tel_set {
  %tel_sec = 30
alias -l tel_msg {
  if (%tel_sec isnum 6-30) {
    .msg $1 nog %tel_sec sec - voor einde uitzending...
    .msg $2 nog %tel_sec sec - voor uitzending...
  if (%tel_sec isnum 1-5) {
    .msg $1 nog %tel_sec sec - u kan de stream verlaten.
    .msg $2 nog %tel_sec sec - 04voor uitzending!!!
  if (%tel_sec <= 0) {
    .msg $1 03einde van je uitzending, bedankt het was weer top!
    .msg $2 12start van je uitzending, succes met je draai!
  dec %tel_sec | .timerTELMSG 1 1 tel_msg $1 $2

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