Entering the following command causes all my text after the 'cap req -echo-message' to be gray.
I tested on Libera.Chat and Snoonet.
//var %x 6 | while (%x > 3) { msg $active %x | dec %x } | cap req -echo-message | var %x 3 | while (%x) { .timer 1 3 msg $active %x | dec %x }
* Now talking in ##testing123<KindTwo> 6
<KindTwo> 5
<KindTwo> 4
<KindTwo> 3
<KindTwo> 2
<KindTwo> 1Entering this still causes my text to be gray:
<KindTwo> Testhttps://imgur.com/7ssial4Update: After more testing found another bug. This one is a bit more strange as I can only replicate on Libera.Chat.
alias echo-message_bug {
var %x 6
while (%x > 3) {
msg $active %x
dec %x
cap req -echo-message
var %x 3
while (%x) {
.timer 1 3 msg $active %x
dec %x
.timer 1 5 cap req echo-message
.timer 1 7 msg $active Testing123
.timer 1 9 msg $active Testing1234567890
This only happens on Libera.Chat.
<KindTwo> 6
<KindTwo> 5
<KindTwo> 4
<KindTwo> Testing123
<KindTwo> Testing1234567890
<KindTwo> 1
<KindTwo> Testing123
<KindTwo> Testing1234567890
<@KindTwo> 6
<@KindTwo> 5
<@KindTwo> 4
<@KindTwo> 3
<@KindTwo> 2
<@KindTwo> 1<@KindTwo> Testing123
<@KindTwo> Testing1234567890