Originally Posted by XGamerAMD

how i do to get this on the screen?

Try to use this code:
alias clones {
  if (!$snick($chan,0)) { echo -a To check, select a nickname in the list. | halt }
  var %sn $snick($chan,1)
  var %sa $address(%sn,2)
  var %nc $ialchan(%sa,$chan,0)
  echo -a ( $+ %nc $+ ) clones: %sn - %sa
  var %di 1 | while (%di <= %nc) {
    echo -a -- $+ $ialchan(%sa,$chan,%di)
    inc %di

Select the necessary nickname in the list of nicknames and enter the command "/clones" to check.

Note: To work correctly, you should not have other aliases with the same name anywhere. Otherwise, you can change the name of the alias, and this will also be the name of the command to enter.

Help on commands and identifiers used in this code:


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