good night I found this anti insult remote and it works very well
on 1:text:*:#: { tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if ($me isop $chan ) && ($nick !isop $chan) && ($nick !isvoice $chan) {
  if (perra isin $2-) { ban -ku3600 $chan $nick 2 Vocabulary not allowed in the rules channel }
  if (cibersex isin $2-) { ban -ku3600 $chan $nick 2 Vocabulary not allowed in the rules channel }
  if (striper isin $2-) { ban -ku3600 $chan $nick 2 Vocabulary not allowed in the rules channel }

The question is, could you create a set list of insults so just use an isin and anchor it to the list set for example:

set anti-insiltuos {

on 1:text:*:#: { tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if ($me isop $chan ) && ($nick !isop $chan) && ($nick !isvoice $chan) {
    if ($anti-insiltuos isin $2-) { ban -ku3600 $chan $nick 2 Vocabulario no permitido en el canal }

I would be very grateful if you could help me to get that variant through a set