Hi, I don't know if it is possible to create this type of script but I will try to explain anyway.
A lot of people on the channel where I am evade bans on forbidden words using special characters and things like that.
For example, there are people who spam their contacts (let's take the telegram contact for example) by saying they offer paid photos and videos and then scam those who believe in them.
If I block the word "telegram", then they use special characters to write it and avoid the ban, for example by using 𝓣𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓶.
I would like to cut off the head of the bull and know if it is possible to create a script (with the ability to activate and deactivate it) that will ban any message that does not contain the characters entered in the script.
So, something like this: a script that contains the normal letters of the alphabet, the exlamation and question mark and the numbers (with the possibility to add and remove what you want) and which then ban any message in the channel (/say and /me also) that contains anything else: emoticons, special characters, and so on. All. Anything that is not in the script. So you can only write messages with the characters contained in the script.
Would it be possible to create such a script?