Here is a snippit of code that allows you to get tokens from bvars (binary variables).

IE: $btoken(&bvar,0,64 64 64) returns the number of tokens separated by the string '@@@'
IE: $btoken(&bvar,n,64 64 64) returns the nth token separated by the string '@@@'

IE: $btoken(&bvar,0,@@@).text returns the number of tokens separated by the string '@@@'
IE: $btoken(&bvar,n,@@@).text returns the nth token separated by the string '@@@'

IE: $btoken(&bvar,0,@@@,&output).text returns the number of tokens separated by the string '@@@'
IE: $btoken(&bvar,n,@@@,&output).text returns the number of bytes in the &output bvar that contains the nth token separated by the string '@@@'

alias btoken {

  var %htable BTOKEN $+ $hget(BTOKEN,NUMBER)

  hadd -m %htable COUNT 0

  var %bvar $1

  var %tokSepBvar &btokensep $+ %htable

  bset $iif($prop,-t) %tokSepBvar -1 $3

  var %tokSepLen $bvar(%tokSepBvar,0)

  var %numtok $bnumtok(%bvar, %htable, %tokSepBvar)

  $iif($2 == 0,return %numtok)

  var %range $parseRange($2, %numtok)

  var %startTok $token(%range,1,32)
  var %endTok $iif($token(%range,2,32) >= %startTok,$v1 + 1, $v1 - 1)

  if (%startTok > %numtok) return $iif(!$prop,-1)

  var %buffer &btokenbuffer $+ %htable
  var %buffer2 &btokenbuffer2 $+ %htable

  var %return

  var %outputFlag $iif($4,$true)

  var %output $iif(%outputFlag,$4)

  while %startTok != %endTok {
    var %data $hget(%htable,%startTok,%buffer)

    bcopy %buffer2 -1 %buffer 1 %data
    bcopy %buffer2 -1 %tokSepBvar 1 %tokSepLen

    $iif(%startTok > %endTok,dec,inc) %startTok 

  hfree %htable

  if %outputFlag  {
    bcopy -c %output 1 %buffer2 1 $calc($bvar(%buffer2,0) - %tokSepLen)
    return $bvar(%output,0)
  return $bvar(%buffer2,1,$calc($bvar(%buffer2,0) - %tokSepLen)).text

alias -l bnumtok {

  var %bvar $1
  var %htable $2

  var %btoksep $$3

  var %bnumtok &bnumtok $+ %htable

  $iif($hget(%htable,COUNT) != 0,return $hget(%htable,COUNT))

  var %findPos 1
  var %lastFindPos 1

  var %lengthOfBvar $bvar(%bvar,0)

  var %odd $bvar(%btoksep,0)

  while %lastFindPos < %lengthOfBvar {
    var %findPos $iif($bfind(%bvar,%lastFindPos,$bvar(%btoksep,1,$bvar(%btoksep,0))) == 0,$bvar(%bvar,0),$v1) - 1

    hinc -m %htable COUNT

    bcopy %bnumtok 1 %bvar %lastFindPos $calc(%findpos - %lastFindPos + $iif($calc(%findPos + %odd + 1) > %lengthOfBvar,2,1))

    hadd -mb %htable $hget(%htable,COUNT) %bnumtok 

    bunset %bnumtok

    var %lastFindPos $calc(%findPos + %odd + 1) 

  return $hget(%htable,COUNT)

alias -l parserange {
  var %input $1
  var %maxRange $2

  var %startNumber, %endNumber,%c $token(%input,1,45)

  ;if the first character is a -, the first parameter is a negative number; proceed to second - or end of the string
  if ($left(%input,1) == -) {
    var %startNumber $calc(%maxRange - %c + 1)
    var %input $right(%input,-1)
  else {
    var %startNumber %c

  var %a $pos(%input,-,1)

  if %a == $len(%input) {
    ;second - as at end of string (range encountered) no second integer
    %endNumber = %maxRange
  else if !%a {
    ;no - after the first token; no range
    %endNumber = %startNumber
  else {
    ;range encountered; second number present
    ;proceed to first - or end of string, and if there is a positive or negative integer

    var %a $iif($Pos(%input,-,1),$v1,0)
    var %b $iif($pos(%input,-,2),$v1,0)

    var %c $token(%input,2,45)

    if %b > 0 && $calc(%b - %a) == 1 {
      ;second integer is negative,

      var %endNumber $calc(%maxRange - %c + 1)
    else if %b == 0 {
      ;second integer is positive
      var %endnumber %c
    else {
      ;unknown condition
      var %endnumber %c
  return %startNumber %endNumber

alias -l + {
  if (!$window(@DEBUG)) window -e @DEBUG
  echo @DEBUG $1-
alias -l - {
  noop $1-

Feel free to optimize the code!

Last edited by Imk0tter; 09/05/21 04:08 PM.