Thanks for your help New_One. But i don't need to set +ps or +psi....#userbot, open channel, everyone can join, but only Nick has +v +h +o in #userbot can use my Bot's command. And i have a small code to check if Nick is in userbot.txt and has identied for Nick then my Bot auto voice that nick in userbot.txt. Why i must check identified? Because my server allows people to login passwords within 60 seconds, otherwise the login name will be changed. Someone can fake the Nick of userbot.txt and can use my Bot's command in 60 seconds, so that why i must check userbot.txt and identified and my bot auto voice on #userbot. Besides, i can use another command to add Nick to userbot.txt (Example: !adduserbot Nick ; !deluserbot Nick ; !listuserbot)