Pressing Alt+O opens the options menu to the last option topic used, but there's not a hotkey to go to this popup window specifically. If you want a scripted solution, you can search this forum for the 'sendkeys' alias, which can feed the keystrokes needed to reach that window. The following example works, assuming that the top "connect" section has not been collapsed, and that the current topic is not the "server" list, which steals focus away from the menu tree:

/sendkeys %o{home}{down 6}{tab}%V

If the options focus is already on the server list, it needs a few keystrokes to make sure it's away from there:

/sendkeys %o^+{tab}{home}{esc}%o{home}{down 6}{tab}%V

If you're using this from a script, you must replace the
% $+ o
to prevent it trying to evaluate this to find a variable of that name, like:

//sendkeys % $+ o^+{tab}{home}{esc}%o{home}{down 6}{tab}%V

And this assumes you're not already in a dialog window, scripts editor, etc

Last edited by maroon; 25/01/21 11:51 AM.