Dear Epic,

*** Notice -- Client connecting on port 6667: Albi ( [clients]

Yes, when a make a IP for example * and when one user with this mask connected and automatic script give Kline..

[21:02:19] *** Notice -- Client connecting on port 6667: Albi (Mibbit@ [clients] 
[21:02:21] *** K:Line added for *@ on Mon Dec  7 20:02:17 2020 GMT (from Alb! to expire at Mon Dec  7 21:02:17 2020 GMT: 47Possible 47Proxy40/47VPN)
[21:02:21] *** Notice -- Client exiting: Albi (Mibbit@ [User is banned (47Possible 47Proxy40/47VPN)]

I have make this IP in blacklist and when I connect with this Proxy Script(Bot) give KLINE automatic.

Last edited by Bes; 08/12/20 09:21 PM.