Hi. I have a mirc instance running a DDE server as mirc1 and the following alias defined in a remote script:

alias testz {
if ($1 = yes) { return 1 }
else { return 0 }

I have a second mirc instance running also with a DDE server as mirc2 and the following text trigger:

on *:text:!ddetest:#:{
var %result = $dde(mirc1,evaluate,$testz(yes))
msg # result: %result

Because I can't trigger !ddetest on the same mirc, I do it from the first mirc. I expected to see "result: 1" but instead just see "result:".. I also tried changing the evaluate to execute but got the same response. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

It works as expect. The problem was I changed the DDE server names after the two mirc's were already running. Apparently changing the server name doesn't automatically restart the server so I had to "/ddeserver off" then "/ddeserver on" for it to work.

Last edited by beer; 30/08/20 07:44 PM. Reason: SOLVED