not sure if this helps or not, sounds like you're trying to do like a pie chart. Here's a quick mock-up example:

this is an ALIAS, I wrote this in my aliases tab, if you put it in remotes, prefix it with "alias ":
pie {
  ;<color1 [0-99]> <color2 [0-99]> <radius in pixels> <percentage [0-1]>
  var %w = $$3 * 2 , %w = %w + 2 , %hw = %w / 2 , %hr = $3 / 2
  var %pc = $calc(360 * $4 - 90) , %hpc = $calc(180 * $4 - 90)
  var %cos = $cos(%pc).deg * $3 , %sin = $sin(%pc).deg * $3
  var %hcos = $cos(%hpc).deg * %hr , %hsin = $sin(%hpc).deg * %hr

  window -dpf +l @Pie -1 -1 %w %w
  drawrect -nf @Pie 1 1 0 0 %w %w
  drawdot @Pie $1 $3 %hw %hw
  if ($4) {
    drawline -n @Pie $2 1 %hw %hw %hw 1
    drawline -n @Pie $2 1 %hw %hw $calc(%hw + %cos) $calc(%hw + %sin)
    drawfill -s @Pie $2 $1 $calc(%hw + %hcos) $calc(%hw + %hsin)
    drawtext @Pie 0 $calc(%hw + %hcos) $calc(%hw + %hsin) $round($calc($4 * 100),2) $+ %

/pie <color> <color> <radius> <percent>
Color 1 is the primary circle color, Color 2 is the pie wedge color, radius is the size of the circle, and percent is a number between 0-1, 0 being none, 1 being full, .5 being 50%, etc...

Examples of a Dark Blue circle, with a Light Blue Wedge, with a radius of 160:

/pie 2 10 160 .06327

/pie 2 10 160 .1

/pie 2 10 160 .5

/pie 2 10 160 .83