Thanks for your bug report.

The /help /hload says "$cr and $lf characters are stripped from text when saving as plain text." but they're not being stripped when using -i as does happen by default or with -n.

These are not stripped when saving to INI or binary files. This behaviour with INI files was established a long time ago, eg. /writeini will not strip $crlf characters from any of the INI parameters either. It is up to the scripter to ensure that the lines they are writing to INI files are in the correct format.

In the case of INI files, if you use /hsave or /writeini to write text that contains $crlf characters, this will result in an INI file that may not save in the format you are expecting.

I will update the help file for /hsave to make this clear.

One possible solution would be to add a switch to /hsave and /writeini that strips out $crlf from all INI parameters before writing to the INI file.