on *:start:timestampfix

alias timestampfix {
  set -l %c $ctime + 1
  while (%c > $ctime) noop
  set -e %ticksoffset $ticks % 1000
  .timertimestamp -om 0 0 .timestamp -f HH:nn:ss. $!+ $!right($calc($ticks -%ticksoffset),3)

Press ALT+R to open remote, paste the code in, press OK and type "/timestampfix". In future it will automatically active when mIRC starts, so you don't need to type "/timestampfix" ever again.

To uninstall it, remove the code, type "/.timertimestamp off" and then type "/timestamp -f HH:nn:ss" to restore normal timestamp format.

If you want to change the timestamp format, you need to change the last line of the "timestampfix" alias. When you've changed it, you need to use the "/timestampfix" command, or restart mIRC.

Just to give you a couple of examples:

.timertimestamp -om 0 0 .timestamp -f yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss. $!+ $!right($calc($ticks -%ticksoffset),3)
Would result in: 2020-07-07 12:34:56.789

.timertimestamp -om 0 0 .timestamp -f [HH:nn:ss. $!+ $!right($calc($ticks -%ticksoffset),3) $!+ ]
Would result in: [12:34:56.789]

/help $asctime might help.

Last edited by Dazuz; 07/07/20 09:49 PM. Reason: brainfart