I was expecting that using $width to create the 4th parm for $wrap works, but it doesn't. In this case, it's chopping the string unless setting %adjust to at least 2 or greater. And, word=1 is supposed to wrap at whole words, but in this case (not not for all strings) it's still chopping in the middle of a word.

//var -s %string test string , %font Tahoma , %fontsize 12 , %adjust 0, %width $width(%string ,%font,%fontsize) | echo -a word=0 $wrap( %string , %font , %fontsize , $calc(%width + %adjust) , 00 , 1 ) | echo -a word=1 $wrap( %string , %font , %fontsize , $calc(%width + %adjust) , 01 , 1 )