Originally Posted by Wims
$count does work, it just only [apparently] works on the first line of the multi edit box
No, $count works on any string you pass it, it's $did() that is only returning the first line, so you're passing only one line to $count, it's not $count that is ditching away the rest.

ah..yeah..that was basically what I meant. $did was only returning the first line, $count was operating on that line

vague suggestion but would " $did(4,1-5) " be worth supporting? that returns lines 1 to 5, of ID4 in the dialog box. at the moment 1-5 needs the loop
so apparently $didtok does operate on the entire edit box contents, but $did only works on the first line (or specified line),,unless that could be intentional

And no, I was saying you could use on *:dialog:buttons:init:0: to automatically add the clipboard to the editbox, that way you only have to click a button.

yeah I'll be having the dialog box hopefully open most of the time because there are other buttons I'll use regularly

as it is using the line below, I just have to have the dialog open, all I need to do is ctrl-v - thats good enough smile

You can choose the character separating the lines in $didtok, you don't have to use a comma.

on 1:dialog:buttons:edit:2:did -ra buttons 3 $count($didtok(buttons,2,32), $chr(44)) | did -r buttons 2

works even better smile

Teco thanx, it's actually copying and pasting the list of names that are logged into a forum message board, vbulletin software

Last edited by quartz; 25/03/20 12:12 PM.