Thanks for your bug report. This is a known issue. The /set, /inc, /dec commands require that the %var parameter is not evaluated when forming the command line. Previously, when /timer was used and included a reference to these commands, the %var was evaluated. Scripters requested that an exclusion be added for /timer in this case. However, as the parser works by evaluating all parameters first, then forming the command line, and then executing the command which parses its parameters, there is no way for the variable parser to know where the command starts in a variable parameter /timer command, especially if $+ and [ ] are used. This means that if you decide to use /set, /inc, or /dec in a /timer command, you will need to enclose your variable names with [ ] to prevent them from being parsed. This behaviour has been in place ever since this feature was added, so changes to this behaviour now would break all scripts that already do this.