Alright, for anyone who has made it even this far, let me explain what I've done and why I did it.
Lemme paste some code right here right quick...
;#### System .Ini Handlers ####
alias kubot.sys.readini { ;Reads from files in KubosKubot's folders
; Use as an identifier: $kubot.sys.readini($$1=AliasName, $$2=.FileSuffix, $$3=Section, $$4=Item, $5=OverrideFilename)
kubot.debug -
kubot.debug kubot.sys.readini is WORKING...
if (!$5) {
kubot.debug Default method inputs: $1 $2 $3 $4
set %filename $replace($isalias($1).fname, .mrc, $2)
kubot.debug Attempting to replace .mrc with $2 : %filename
else {
kubot.debug Alternate method inputs: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
set %filename $replace($isalias($1).fname,$nopath($isalias($1).fname), $5 $+ $2)
kubot.debug Attemping to replace $nopath($isalias($1).fname) with $5 $+ $2 $+ : %filename
set %result $readini(%filename, $3, $4)
kubot.debug Returning $chr(91) $+ $3 $+ $chr(93) $+ : $+ $4 = %result
kubot.debug kubot.sys.readini is FINISHED!
kubot.debug -
return %result
alias kubot.sys.writeini { ;Writes to files in KubosKubot's folders
; Use as a command: /kubot.sys.writeini $$1=AliasName $$2=.FileSuffix $$3=Section $$4=Item $$5=Data $6=OverrideFilename
kubot.debug -
kubot.debug kubot.sys.writeini is WORKING...
if (!$6) {
kubot.debug Default method inputs: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
set %filename $replace($isalias($1).fname, .mrc, $2)
kubot.debug Attempting to replace .mrc with $2 : %filename
else {
kubot.debug Alternate method inputs: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
set %filename $replace($isalias($1).fname,$nopath($isalias($1).fname), $6 $+ $2)
kubot.debug Attemping to replace $nopath($isalias($1).fname) with $6 $+ $2 $+ : %filename
kubot.debug Writing $chr(91) $+ $3 $+ $chr(93) $+ : $+ $4 = $5 to $nopath(%filename)
kubot.debug kubot.sys.writeini is FINISHED!
kubot.debug -
writeini %filename $3 $4 $5
My original dilemma was that I could not access the name of the alias making the call, but my original purpose was to get the filename of the alias making the call. This script does that, so that's alright.
Something worth noting is that "alias kubot.debug" is simply an echo script. It echoes into my chat window. Surprise?
Anyways, with kubot.sys.readini, you can see in the comment that there are four mandatory parameters and a fifth optional one. The first parameter is the name of the alias who called kubot.sys.readini. It is inputted manually.
Roughly the same story with kubot.sys.writeini, except it has five mandatory parameters and a sixth optional one.
The optional parameter allows the script to read/write two different files.
alias test {
kubot.sys.writeini test .cfg sample value data custom
Runing alias test would result in a file named Custom.cfg in the same folder as test.mrc, and it's contents would be "[sample], value=data"