Thanks for input, I'll check out what I can do with your input over the weekend.
I don't really need for the client to switch to Status window, just the results of /quote whois need to be gathered from Status window. There's too much nonstop junk in Status window, so I need such things restricted to Status window.

I use mIRC (Admin) on a busy chat site, while moderators are using a web interface. Need for moderators to be able to search usernames containing certain words and moderator access to certain features must stay restricted.

I also need to somehow make this:

//window -c @window | window -en @window | filter -ww $active @window *text* | window -a @window upon !history *text*, which would output last # lines to a #channel.

Last edited by StanSmith; 09/11/19 11:01 AM.