I am using UPP with mirc 7.55 and I am getting the following errors whenever I start I get the folowing error in my status window:

* Invalid parameters: $zip (line 1113, containers.mrc)

Below is the entire code for the error. The line in BOLD and red is the line 1113 from the error. Can someone tell me the correct code to resolve the error?

:zip | {
; $1 = zip, $?2 = alias
if ($hget(containers,$+($1,.status)) == inactive) {
hadd containers $+($1,.status) creating
hadd containers $+($1,.alias) $2
var %zipfile = $hget(containers,$+($1,.file))
ifsremove %zipfile
.timerzipfile. $+ $1 -io 1 1 zipfile_check $1


Last edited by Darkmnm; 22/03/19 12:29 AM.