In mIRC there is an option to remap the color of the screen, text, and other such rather nice bits to whatsoever you deem fit. I personally use a black background and a very light grey for my standard text.

HOWEVER, some rather fiendish villains of the electronic world have stupidly assumed that ^k1 is going to be displayed properly and instead on my screen it displays as large blank spaces unless I either strip color codes altogether or manually select said text.

This is simply unacceptable to me. I would like it to be a future feature of mIRC that in addition to being able to remap the colors which various items display in, that I be able to remap the colors to which each color code corresponds so I don't end up with any more of that nasty blank space. And it may save my eyes if some enterprising young soul decides to blast my with bright yellow at three in the morning.

This should be fairly simple to implement as mirc already supports remapping of the standard display colors. It would just become necessary to provide a secondary interface, possibly within the options menu, to avoid this nasty predicament.
