I'm still having the same issue, whenever i add a new on *:text: event it just doesnt respond for this one specific channel even though im modded in it. Here's an example:

on *:text:*shout me out*:#troyl, #agony:{ 
; check if user is not warned yet 
      if !$istok(%fd.warned,$nick,32) { 
        ; warning user       
        describe $chan @ $+ $nick -> rooBot No Asking For Shoutouts! [warning]  
        msg $chan /timeout $nick 5 asking for shoutout [warning] [Automated By TroyBot] 
        ; add user to %caps.warned, so we can check it later 
        set -e %fd.warned $addtok(%fd.warned,$nick,32) 
        ; set timer to remove user from %caps.warned after 300s 
        .timer 1 120 /unset %fd.warned $nick  
      else { 
        ; so user is already warned..  
        describe $chan @ $+ $nick No Asking for shoutouts. bingMad 
        msg $chan /timeout $nick 300 Asking For shoutouts After Being Warned [Automated By TroyBot] 

so it works in troyl but not agony its like i added too much stuff to it