Actually this would behave more like /amsg:
anotice {
  var %i = 1,%t = $chan(0)
  if (!%t) return
  while (%i <= %t) {
    var %chans = $addtok(%chans,$chan(%i),44)
    inc %i
  notice %chans $$1-

It simply sends one multiple target notice instead of a whole bunch of individual ones. Many networks would not take kindly to what could be dozens of notices being sent within a second. At the very least each notice would have a slight delay, at the worst you could be booted off the server.

I'm not entirely certain that all networks will accept multiple targets for notices, but I don't know of any raw 005 token which signifies if they do (or if there's a limit to how many targets they accept).

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.