... and this alias tries to find compatibility between $encode's CBC vs OpenSSL.

I noticed from versions.txt that mIRC is using the 1.0.series and I had been using the 1.1.series. When I changed to 1_0_2q OpenSSL's ECB showed a different key, which turned out to be $md5(key) instead of first 16 bytes of $sha256(key), but that still encrypted the file differently than mIRC did.
alias OpenSSL_test-cbc {
  ;var %opensslexe C:\path\openssl-1.1.0h-win32-mingw\openssl.exe
  ;var %opensslexe C:\path\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.exe
  var %opensslexe C:\path\Win32OpenSSL-1_0_2q\bin\openssl.exe
  var %testfile test.dat
  var %testout test.out
  var %password gryffczmj
  var %inputstring $str(3,16)
  echo -a ===== | if ($isfile(%testout)) remove %testout
  write -cn $qt(%testfile) %inputstring
  echo -a filesize %testfile should be $len(%inputstring) : $file(%testfile).size

  var %a enc -bf-cbc -in %testfile -out %testout -salt   -p -pass pass: $+ %password

  echo -a commandline seen by OpenSSL: %a
  run cmd /k %opensslexe %a

  echo -a waiting 2 seconds for OpenSSL to diskwrite
  var %ticks $ticks + 2000 | while ($ticks < %ticks) noop 

  bread         %testout 0 $file(%testout).size &v1
  bread $qt(%testout) 0 $file(%testout).size &v2
  ; add base64 layer so $decode can remove it
  noop $encode(&v2,bm) | noop $decode(&v2,bmc,%password)
  echo 3 -a $bvar(&v1,0) data created by OpenSSL: $bvar(&v1,1-)
  echo 3 -a $bvar(&v1,0) data created by OpenSSL: $bvar(&v1,1-).text
  echo 4 -a $bvar(&v2,0) data created by $ $+ encode: $bvar(&v2,1-)
  echo 4 -a $bvar(&v2,0) data created by $ $+ encode: $bvar(&v2,1-).text