Thanks. Please note that I am no longer looking at -P. If I manage to fix -p, I may look into -P again. But it is likely that -P will be left for the next beta cycle, as we need to test any changes to -p first.

I am running your example:

//echo -a $asctime launch | timerx1 4 15 echo 4 -a $!asctime reps $!timer(x1).reps secs $!timer(x1).secs | .timerx2 1 12 .timerx1 -p | .timerx3 1 22 timerx1 -r | .timerx?

Here is my output:

Sat Nov 24 13:19:49 2018 launch
* Timer x1 activated
* Timer x2 activated
* Timer x3 activated
* Active timers:
* Timer x1 4 time(s) 15s delay echo 4 -a $asctime reps $timer(x1).reps secs $timer(x1).secs
* Timer x2 1 time(s) 12s delay .timerx1 -p
* Timer x3 1 time(s) 22s delay timerx1 -r
* Timer x2 halted
* Timer x1 resumed
* Timer x3 halted
Sat Nov 24 13:20:11 2018 reps 3 secs 8
Sat Nov 24 13:20:19 2018 reps 2 secs 15
Sat Nov 24 13:20:34 2018 reps 1 secs 15
Sat Nov 24 13:20:49 2018 reps 0 secs 15
* Timer x1 halted

What you would you expect to see? Please show me the above output as you would want to see it.

Would implementing your requested change break existing scripts?