$decode(&binvar,bm) lengths 1-3,5-6,9 without padding char decode to $null string.

This bug does not happen in v6.35, but does happen in v7.49 and 7.52.

Because $hotp can decode all lengths of base32 strings which don't contain the '=' padding character, I tested $decode to see if it could also do the same with decoding similar base32 strings, and it can. But in testing mime, I found that $decode doesn't correctly handle short lengths of mime text without the padding character, but only if they're contained in a &binvar. If the mime string in a &binvar is length 1-3,5-6,9 it decodes to the $null string, but if that same string is in a %variable it decodes correctly.

//var %i 1 , %mode m , %b $encode($str(~,99),%mode) | while (%i isnum 1-99) { var %a $left(%b,%i) | bset -tc &v 1 %a | noop $decode(&v,b %mode) | if ($bvar(&v,1-).text != $decode(%a,%mode)) echo -ag %i / binvar $v1 vs text $v2 string= %a | inc %i }

Some of these lengths are typically not created by $encode because the longer encoded strings cause some lengths to be skipped. However of the lengths created by $encode, lengths 1,2,4 do not decode to the original string when the mime text does not contain the padding character and is contained in a &binvar, but is correctly handed if it's in a %variable.

//var %i 1 , %mode m | while (%i isnum 1-19) { var %text $str(~,%i) , %encode $encode(%text,%mode) , %encode2 $remove(%encode,=,`) , %decode $decode(%encode2,%mode) | bset -tc &v 1 %encode2 | noop $decode(&v,b %mode) | if ( ($bvar(&v,1-).text != %text) || (%decode != %text) || (!$bvar(&v,0)) ) echo -ag length %i binvar $bvar(&v,1-).text vs text %decode vs original %text encoded $+ $len(%encode2) $+ = %encode2 $decode(%encode,%mode)  | inc %i }