Why is not work this script what i did wrong, i want to ban on 2 line flooders user when they use 1 nick or diferent nicknames with the same text message they spamm on channel, the time between the first line and next repeat line takes 2,5,10s for flood, fast or slow they escape my ban, need to match the first line text msg with second txt msg on second line from 1 user with 1 Ip only, or more user nicknames with same text msg from same Ip or Diferent Ip frown

On *:start: {
hmake flood 150
On *:text:*:#: {
On *:action:*:#: {
if ($me isop $chan) {
if ($hget(LastMsg,$nick) == $strip($1-)
hadd -mu300 LastMsg $nick $strip($1-)
hsave -m LastMsg $nick $strip($1-)
hinc -u5 flood $nick 1
if ($hget(flood,$nick) > 2) {
mode $chan +b-v $address($nick,3) $nick | /timer 1 300 /mode $chan -b $address($nick,3)
echo -a $chan 4Flood Detected - 2 Lines in 5 seconds. - 5 min ban.
hdel flood $nick

example they flood on this way:

Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost a
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost as
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost asd
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost asdf

Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost .
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost ..
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost ...
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost ....

Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 1Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 11Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 111Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 111Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost

Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 1 Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 11 Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 111 Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; 111 Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost

this is when they use clonex and use 5 till 10 nick with same or diferent IP to spamm floood on channel

Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Marc; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Tommy; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
John; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost
Miachel; Jimmy your are a stupid boy, go now get lost

HELP me guys, i am new on this and dont understand much the language script

Last edited by Tano; 24/05/18 05:12 PM.