I was showing an echo of the info, not doing the whole thing. I had skipped the part I mentioned in the earlier post. $base(number,from-base,to-base,padding) lets you left-zero-pad the number to a minimum width. This has the from/to being the same number base, only so we can use the padding feature.

Alias Table {
  var %i $hfind(voting,vote*,0,w)
  var %result
  var %j %i
  while (%i > 0) {
    var %result %result $base($hget(voting,$hfind(voting,vote*,%i,w)),10,10,5) $+ : $+  $hfind(voting,vote*,%i,w)
    echo -a %result
    dec %i
  echo -a %result
  var %result $sorttok(%result,32,ar)
  while (%i < %j) {
    inc %i
    echo -a $gettok(%result,%i,32)
    echo -a $mid($gettok(%result,%i,32),7) $abs($gettok(%result,%i,32))