If by long list you mean showing everything in 1 line so you don't get flagged as a spammer, you can clear a variable, then build it again to contain the list of commands. In effect, you're doing something the first line when you could instead do the 2nd:

//var %i 10 |             while (%i isnum 1-10) { echo -a command $rand(0,9)              | dec %i }
//var %i 10 | var %text | while (%i isnum 1-10) { var %text %text command $rand(0,9) $(|) | dec %i } | echo -a $gettok(%text,1-,124)

The $gettok() at the end is for stripping the trailing separator after the last command.

There's a limit to how long a line can be, but as long as your list isn't too long, you won't have to worry about chopping it into several lines.