It can also be done with regex, but here's a way to do it with tokens. You can hunt for a wildcard token that matches a pattern, then use $replace to turn the unwanted characters into spaces. It won't recognize a fraction as a number, it treats them like strings:

//if (2/3 < 3/7) echo -a less

If you're wanting just the 1st number, you can turn the slash into a space and grab that token. Or you can parse to grab the fraction, then use $calc to turn it into decimals:

//var %a (Player HP: 40/82) | var %b $wildtok(%a,*/* $+ $chr(41) ,1,32) | echo -a %b | var %c $replace(%b,$chr(41),$chr(32)) | echo -a %c | echo -a $calc(%c)