My code wasn't a replacement for your ON TEXT event, it created $1- to test the match. Regex returns 0 if no match, so the 1 indicates a match.

//tokenize 32 Coronation.Street.S59E08.720p | if ($regex($strip($1-),([Ss]?)(\d{1,2})([xXeE\.\-])(\d{1,2}))) echo -a $1- returns $v1 / $regml(1) / $regml(2) / $regml(3) / $regml(4)

shows: Coronation.Street.S59E08.720p returns 1 / S / 59 / E / 08

The '1' means regex found a match. The next 4 strings are the matches for the 4 groups inside parenthesis. ([Ss]?) matched the S and (\d{1,2}) matched the 59 etc. Those are just helpful in debugging why it matches things it should not. Your event would just have something like:

on *:TEXT:*:#channelname:{
  if ($regex($strip($1-),([Ss]?)(\d{1,2})([xXeE\.\-])(\d{1,2}))) aline @windowname Match Regex Found in $chan : $nick $1-